Summer Hockey Badge | Guildford Hockey Club

Guildford Hockey Club - Great Hockey For Everyone

Summer Hockey

Beginning on 21st April 2025, Guildford Hockey Club's Summer programme is open to players from all local clubs and schools. Learn new skills, practice with players from across Surrey and Hampshire, and work with top coaches. Specialist goalkeeper sessions are available.

The programme includes ten evening sessions and two Sunday match play sessions. There is a break week at May half term.

Current members - book via Teamo.

Non-members - book via this link


Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

Year 3 and 4

Year 5 and 6

Year 7 and 8

Year 9 and 10

Year 11 and 12

Primary School Open session (invitation sent out through school)

New Players Welcome

To become a member of Guildford Hockey Club simply register through our club management app, Teamo!

Our Partners

A huge Thank You to our current Partners.