Code of Conduct Badge | Guildford Hockey Club

Guildford Hockey Club - Great Hockey For Everyone

Code of Conduct

Our club Code of Conduct Policy outlines the behaviours we expect of adult players, young people, officials, coaches, managers, adult helpers, spectators and parents to support our club vision and values.

England Hockey has a Code of Ethics and Behaviour, titled ‘Respect’. The Code of Ethics and Behaviour outlines the expected levels of behaviour for everyone involved in hockey.

Guildford Hockey Club fully supports and adopts the England Hockey 'Respect' Code of Ethics and Behaviour.

Our minimum standards of behaviour for the club:

  • Respect the spirit of fair play in hockey. This is more than playing within the rules. It also incorporates the concepts of friendship, respect for others, and always participating with the right spirit. Accept success and failure, victory, and defeat, with dignity.
  • Respect umpires, officials, coaches, all players and spectators, and set a positive example for younger players.
  • Accept victory and defeat with dignity: we win, or we learn.
  • Abide by the EH Safeguarding and Protecting Young People in Hockey Policy and Procedures and Good Practice Guidelines. Tell someone you trust if the behaviour of others makes you feel uncomfortable in any way.
  • Set a positive example through your behaviours keeping yourself and other safe. Always conduct yourself in a manner that takes all reasonable measures to protect your own safety and the safety of others. Never engage in offensive, bullying, intimidation, harassment, insulting or abusive language or behaviour. Protect others involved in the game from verbal or physical abuse and threatening or intimidating behaviour.


Guildford Hockey Club Our Values for Players | Guildford Hockey Club

Adult Players:

Expected minimum standards of behaviour and conduct include more than playing within the rules of hockey. They also incorporate the concepts of friendship, respect for others and always participating with the spirit of fair play.

Our minimum standards of behaviour for adult players:

  • Players should respect all players and match officials on and off the pitch.
  • In the spirit of fair play, win with modesty and lose with dignity.
  • Communicate clearly with captains and coaches; players are expected to turn up on time to training and matches. Where this is not possible the captain/manager should be informed immediately.
  • Conduct yourselves in a manner that takes all reasonable measures to protect your own safety and the safety of others.
  • Set a positive example as members of GHC especially to younger players and spectators. Never engage in offensive, bullying, intimidation, harassment, insulting or abusive language/ behaviour.
  • All players are expected to play in appropriate GHC branded kit.
  • Players should make every effort to learn the rules and play by them.
  • Abide by the EH Safeguarding and Protecting Young People in Hockey Policy and Procedures and Good Practice Guidelines.
  • Players should abide by the code of conduct whilst representing GHC and this includes travelling to and from matches.

Young Players (under the age of 18):

Promote an environment of fun, learning and friendship through hockey:

Our minimum standards of behaviour for young people:

  • Respect for the game. This is more than playing within the rules of Hockey. It is about friendship, enjoyment and always participating with the right spirit.
  • Win with modesty and lose with dignity and set a positive example to others.
  • Recognise and applaud all good play and always thank your opposition and umpire after the game.
  • Respect coaches, team-mates, opponents, officials and their decisions. Treat them as you would like to be treated.
  • Inform the coach in good time if you are unavailable for any match, or if you will be late or need to leave early.
  • Prepare with proper kit: (You MUST wear shin pads and a mouthguard).
  • Tell someone they trust if the behaviour of others makes them feel uncomfortable in any way.
  • Young people are not allowed to smoke, consume alcohol or drugs of any kind on Club premises or whilst representing the Club at competitions.

Club officials, Coaches, Managers and Adult helpers:

Guildford Hockey Club Our Values for Coaches | Guildford Hockey Club

Foster the environment that creates great hockey for everyone:

Our minimum standards of behaviour for Club officials, Coaches, Managers and Adult helpers:

  • Follow all guidelines laid down by England Hockey and Guildford Hockey Club.
  • Abide by the EH Safeguarding and Protecting Young People in Hockey Policy and Procedures and Good Practice Guidelines. Take responsibility for the young people in their care until they have left the activity safely.
  • Ensure the wellbeing and safety of each participant above all other considerations, including the development of performance.
  • Respect the opponents and officials and ensure everyone is treated equally.
  • Never exert undue influence to obtain personal benefit or reward.
  • Encourage and guide players to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance.
  • Ensure the activities you direct, or advocate are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of the individual.
  • Set a good example by displaying high standards of behaviour and appearance.
  • Coaches must hold appropriate coaching qualifications.
  • Never share any player’s personal data unless required for coaching reasons.

Spectators and parents:

Guildford Hockey Club Our Values for Parents | Guildford Hockey Club

Our minimum standards of behaviour for spectators and parents:

  • Set a good example and appreciate all performance levels and skilful play by all participants. Don’t criticise or coach from the side lines and allow players space to play.
  • Respect umpires, officials, coaches, all players and opposition spectators.
  • Support all efforts to remove bad or abusive language and unsporting behaviour.
  • Spectate from an appropriate area.
  • Let the coach do their job; do not confuse the players by telling them what to do.
  • Praise your child’s efforts, whether they win or lose.
  • Get involved – actively support your coaches and the administration team as a member of the GHC community.

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Guildford Hockey Club Broadwater School, Summers Rd, Godalming GU7 3BW